
dermaplanning treatment

What Is Dermaplaning?

Dermaplaning involves the use of a sterile, surgical blade to gently “shave” the skin surface. It removes the top layer of dead skin along with fine, vellus hair. It cleverly triggers the skin cell regeneration process, thus helping to improve the appearance of fine lines, acne scarring, and hyper pigmentation. Even Marilyn Monroe was a fan of shaving her face!

The effects of the treatment are instant, leaving your skin looking smooth and radiant. Following dermaplaning, the deeper layers of skin are more exposed, and as a result, penetration of skincare products is more effective. As the skin is more exposed to the environment, it is important to wear a face cream with SPF.

Sophie will provide you with a deep facial cleanse, followed by an enzymatic peel to gently resurface the skin and aid skin renewal before your dermaplaning session commences. She will then use a surgical blade to remove the top layer of skin and vellous hair. She will cleanse again, apply a collagen mask, and finish off with a luxurious moisturiser.

Why Doesn’t the Hair Grow Back Thicker?

Fine facial “peach fuzz” is one of the two types of hair that everyone has. It’s called vellous hair and is the fine translucent hair that you can see if you look closely at a woman's face, chest, and back. The other type of hair is terminal hair, which is the coarser hair you see on the head, under the arms, in the pubic area, brows, and on the lower face in men. Because vellous hair is so fine and different from terminal hair, cutting it does not make it grow thicker or feel stubbly afterwards.

Dermaplaning can be a standalone treatment, up to once every 4 weeks, or it can be combined with a chemical peel.

Dermaplaning is ideal before a special event, as makeup application is flawless post-treatment.

Dermaplaning is suitable while pregnant.

It is not suitable for you if you have a skin infection, skin allergies, use of roaccutane within 12 months, active cold sores, recent laser treatment, numerous raised moles, skin cancer, pustule rosacea, psoriasis or eczema. However, if it is a small patch of psoriasis or eczema, we can work around it. Dermaplaning should be carried out 4 weeks after injectables such as dermal fillers to allow these to fully settle first.


  • £45 to £60 - Dermaplaning
  • £75 to £95 - Dermaplaning and gentle chemical peel. (Remove dead skin and peach fuzz (vellus hair), finished off with a 40% glycolic acid skin peel).